Sibelius 3/ Virtual Drumline

I recently purchased Sibelius 3 (The newest version). Sibelius 3 comes with Native Instruments Kontact Silver. I am trying to set up my notation program with Virtual Drummer on a laptop. I have already downloaded Maple Midi Tools onto my laptop. Virtual Drummer/Tap Space recommends to load VD into a sample program such as Kompact, Kontact or Reason. My question is- Does the Kontact Silver version that comes with Sibelius 3 allow you to import Virtual Drummer samples into it or do I still need one of the programs mentioned above? If anyone out there can help this "computer idiot" figure this out it would be greatly appreciated!
The Sibelius Kontakt Player (silver or gold) won't allow you to load in third-party libraries, so this wouldn't work. You'll still need a separate sampler to load the sounds into. Kompakt is probably the most powerful, least expensive option.

Now that my question about importing third party libraries into the Kontakt Silver that comes with Sibelius 3 has been answered (Thanks Jim) I have one more question about this topic. My question is, do I then need to uninstall Kontakt Silver which was loaded into my laptop when I loaded the Sibelius software, before I install Kompakt?

As always any help will be greatly appreciated!

Scott - No, you shouldn't have to worry about uninstalling the Sibelius Silver player (can you do that?). It's only accessible when your hosting it from within Sibelius, so it shouldn't conflict if you're running Kompakt in the background to host other samples.

The main problem (in my opinion), is that the naming scheme gets a little confusing: kontakt, kompakt, kontakt player silver/gold, etc. They're all different things, but since they're named so similarly it's kind of confusing...

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