WireTap - Cool Mac OSX recording utiltiy!

For Macintosh OSX users-
Those of you looking for an easy way to record your Virtual Drumline playbacks to a CD (or MP3), check out a cool program called [b]WireTap[/b] (by Ambrosia software). It will record ALL sounds coming out of your mac, so if you are playing sounds from multiple sources (i.e. Kompakt, quicktime, etc), it will capture them all as an aiff file. This aiff file can then be recorded onto an audio CD, or converted into an MP3 very easily with iTunes.

Download it here: http://www.ambrosiasw.com/utilities/freebies/

Special thanks to Dwayne Rice for the tip!!

1 Comment


I've had good luck with Audio Hijack in OS X.

It will allow you to route sound from anywhere to anywhere.

It is by Rogue Amoeba Software ([url]http://rogueamoeba.com/[/url]).

- David
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