VDL:2 Library Update - Version 1.5 available now!

[size=11pt]Available now on our updates page - [b][url=https://www.tapspace.com/updates]VDL:2 Sound Library Version 1.5 Update[/url][/b][/size]

This is a free update of the instruments/multis for registered users of Virtual Drumline 2. This updater is primarily an efficiency “bug fix” release. In addition to the many fixes included in the instruments, there are a few new features that we’ve implemented that will give you more options such as:
[li]2 new “Rack Combo” instruments[/li]

[li]Fully sustained suspended cymbal rolls (with natural or muted release)[/li]

[li]Improved functionality when using in Kontakt 2[/li]

[li]Improved usage of default polyphony settings[/li]

[li]Muted glockenspiel control[/li]

[li]Many minor fixes to several instruments[/li]

We thank you for your enduring patience with this long overdue release!
This rocks!
Wow. Thanks as always to Jim and the crew. A great thing just got even better!
Great job! This is awesome!


New templates for Finale 2004, 2005, 2006, and Sibelius 3 and 4 are now available as well at

These templates implement the changes that were made in the library 1.5 update.
This great!  Maybe I am missing something, but when I open the player (in stand alone) I don't see the ability to load multis anymore.  Did I do something wrong?
Be sure to scroll all the way down (in the load menu).
Great stuff...much needed and I am excited to begin using the new rack combos.  Good stuff
Just to be safe before I install these updates, there won't be any playback effect on pieces that i have already started working on right? Basically the mapping didn't change, things were just added?

I know I won't be able to utilize the new sounds without using the new template though.

[quote author=gbass598 link=topic=1268.msg5596#msg5596 date=1154484741]
Just to be safe before I install these updates, there won't be any playback effect on pieces that i have already started working on right? Basically the mapping didn't change, things were just added?

I know I won't be able to utilize the new sounds without using the new template though.


This is correct. Better safe than sorry, right? :) If your one to lean toward cautionary measures, you could make a copy of the ";Instruments"; and ";Multis"; folders in an alternate location in a folder called (original VDL2 library). That way they won't be overwritten. Or you know you can always just reinstall the original library from the VDL2 DVD, but this 1.5 library should be stable, and not affect anything you've done prior.
Cool thanks,

Just out of curiousity, an instrument showed up in my dropdown list called Lib. version 1_5.

I know it isn't an actual instrument so is that instrument necessary? What is it and would it harm anything if a I deleted it or moved that fodler to another location?
That's technically not an ";instrument"; per se. It's basically there as a way of identifying which library version you are currently using. Not a real elegant solution, but it works. You can certainly delete it, however in the rare case you need to troubleshoot something in the future, it's important to know which version of the library you are using.
Great update. The rack combo B is really going to help.

I've already got ideas for VD3!

Does this have the marching tenor drum as used in traditional drumming.I know that you guys said you were gonna add this instrument,also where do I download these from?
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