Seems as though the mapping on the new template has added a new snare hit on Bb3.  Right above ";MAIN HITS";.  Also, the main snare hits and rim s hots are on the 2nd space of a 5 line staff, and right below the line in a one-line snare staff.  Shouldnt this be default to the line or right above?

1.) What is the extra snare sound on Bb3?

2.) Is there updated documentation for any battery instruments?
I'll check this as well. BTW, are you looking at these with Finale07 or 06?

There is no new or extra sound. Probably what happened is that as the first templates were built these pitches were checked to be used. It should not create any problems by unchecking them. As for the Bass Auto R/L questions, I've gone ahead and corrected the maps. This was an ommision which just didn't get noticed. Suprisingly, no one has mentioned that the keyswitch to Puffies was not checked for the Bass Auto R/L map. This also has been corrected. I will email Jim these 'new' maps and it will be one more item on his to do list after Nats.

I am checking them both in 2007 and 2006.  Thanks for all your hard working in making these great templates.
Scott - thanks for your help in identifying these little glitches. There are new templates for Finale available from the site now. Since the fixes were very minor, we've kept the naming/numbering the same. Feel free to chime in if you catch further glitches.

Thanks again!!
Thanks, Jim.  I downloaded the new updated Templates.  I am excited to begin working with the new rack combos and other additional maps and sounds.  Keep up the  great work guys.
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