I got a new iMac (20";, 2 gigs of ram, yah it rocks...) and I copied everything from my old PPC Mac over to this one. Re registared Finale 07 and VDL2. VDL2 and Finale work very well standing my themselves but I cant get Finale to play through VDL2. When I select it under ";MIDI"; nothing can be selected under ";setup of Native....";
VDL2 is also not showing up under my Garageband menue like it used to.
So am I just out of luck until Native ports Kontak player to Universal Binary? I plan on buying Kontak2 once they do, or can the current version handle my problem under Rosetta?
I went through the manual again on making sure everything was set right under VDL2 and finale, garage band just always worked.....
I believe some of this was touched on here https://www.tapspace.com/forums/index.php?topic=1369.0. As far as Finale not working with VDL2, I've crossed over to the brighter side (sib) and haven't looked back. sorry... peace...
Legacy Forum Post
almost 18 years ago
You will probably have to rn Finale under Rosetta to make this happen - to see the VDL player in the Native Instruments AU Setup.
Here's how you can force a Universal application to open using Rosetta: 1. Click the application's icon in the Finder, such as Safari's icon. 2. From the Finder File menu, choose Get Info (or press Command-I). 3. Select the checkbox named ";Open using Rosetta."; 4. Close the Get Info window. Now, when you double-click the application, it will open with Rosetta, and any non-Universal plug-ins should work.
This applies to the Kontakt Player 2, SmartScore Lite and any other 3rd-party plugins not updated to run in Universal.
It may also be a great idea to have a Rosetta Icon and a Universal Icon. Both can be run at the same time.
To make a Rosetta Icon:
1. Go to your Macintosh HD -->Applications -->Finale 2007 2. Highlight the [b]Finale 2007[/b] Icon and hit APPL-D. This will duplicate the icon and put ";copy"; after it 3. Highlight the ";[b]Finale 2007 copy[/b]"; icon 4. Go to the File Menu -->GET INFO 5. Change the name to ";[b]Finale 2007 rosetta[/b]"; and then check the box to ";Open Using Rosetta";
When you open this under Rosetta you should be able to see Virtual Drumline 2 as being available in the NAtive Instruments AU Setup.
Legacy Forum Post
almost 18 years ago
Excellent info Scott. Thanks for the detailed post!! This will be great workaround until VDL2 is able to run in Universal mode. With your permission, perhaps this is something that should be added to Tapspace FAQ Central?
Legacy Forum Post
almost 18 years ago
awesome, thanks! I'll give it a try soon.
Funny how slow Finale was to go to OSX (about 3 years late) now they are on the ball with the U.B. BUT I must say there are some things lacking. I use Smart Score Pro and Finale '07 is not able to work with scanning yet. It will be updated ";soon"; they say. Oh well.
Legacy Forum Post
almost 18 years ago
Yes - definitely. I can take care of that this weekend to the FAQs if you want. Glad I was able to help. There should be an update to SmartScore Lite coming soon that will most likley be a downloadable update on the Finale site. It is close but not ready to post yet.
Legacy Forum Post
VDL2 is also not showing up under my Garageband menue like it used to.
So am I just out of luck until Native ports Kontak player to Universal Binary? I plan on buying Kontak2 once they do, or can the current version handle my problem under Rosetta?
I went through the manual again on making sure everything was set right under VDL2 and finale, garage band just always worked.....
Any thoughs? help??