AU Lab and/or Garageband not seeing VDL2

So I've been trying to get things rolling on my new MacBook pro, and for the most part, the essentials are there.  Sibelius and VDL2 are playing well together, but no matter what I do I can't get VDL2 to show up anywhere in Garageband or AU lab.

I followed [url=][b][u]this tutorial[/u][/b][/url] for Garageband and at the step that reads ";Under ";Generator"; select Virtual Drumline 2";, VDL2 isn't there.  I've installed the AU plug in for VDL2 twice now, but still no luck.

Also, I followed [url=][b][u]this tutorial[/u][/b][/url] for AUlab and got to here ";11. From the instrument popup, pick the NativeInstruments->";Virtual Drumline 2"; item, and click OK."; with VDL2 nowhere to be found.

I'm sure it's something I'm just overlooking (which most of these type issues are).  At least I hope it's just something I'm overlooking.

Thanks for the help in advance!

Your MacBook Pro is an intel mac. Currently, VDL2 isn't universal, so you'll have to wait for that version before being able to do this. Either that, or force your Universal programs (garage band) to launch using Rosetta. If you launch using Rosetta you should be able to see the installed plugin.

The universal version is coming, so hang in there, and thanks for your patience! :)
Got it.  Thanks Jim!
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