OT: Summer Project

I have embarked on converting all of my vids to DVD and want to make a central location for my students to find great vids of great drumlines.

If you would like to contribute...I can arrange a way to get the files. If you don't have a way to convert your videos...I could do a trade your VHS for a DVD version.

The ultimate goal here is when I have 4.7gig of vids to create DVD's of each year I want to torrent the DVD and post it up for everyone. 


1979 - Fred Sanford - Building the Section Part 2
1979 - Fred Sanford - Building the Section Part 1

1982 - Blue Devils
1982 DCI Snare Solo Scott Johnson
1982 DCI Snare Solo-3rd-Nat Barouch

1986 - Snare Solo Steve Campbell
1986 - Tenor Solo Leif Marwede

1990 Snare Solo-1st-Scott Kretzer
1990 DCI Tenor Solo -1st-Jason Trigg

1991 SCV - Martian Mambo - Finals
1991 Cavaliers - Finals Warmup
1991 Cavalier Snare Solo - Greg Towely
1991 DCI Tenor Solo - Cavalier
1991 DCI Snare Solo - Jon Weber

1992 - SCV Finals Warm up - Exercises
1992 - SCV Finals Warm up - Book
1992 SCV Tenor Ensemble - Angle 1
1992 SCV Tenor Ensemble - Balcony Angle
1992 SCV Early Season Rehearsal - Horn Arc
1992 SCV Early Season Rehearsal
1992 - Tenor Solo Matt Altmire - 2nd
1992 - Tenor Solo Colin McNutt - 1st
1992 - Tenor Solo Mark Campbell - 3rd
1992 - Snare Solo SCV Center
1992 - SCV Timpani Solo
1992 - Snare Solo Nick Angelis - 1st
1992 - Snare Solo Jeff Queen
1992 - SCV Bass Ensemble - Balcony Shot
1992 - SCV Cymbal Ensemble
1992 SCV Tenor Solo - Colin McNutt
1992 SCV Bass Ensemble
1992 SCV Tenor Ensemble
1992 Cavalier Snare Solo - Mark Lighthouser
1992 Cavalier Timpani Solo
1992 Cavaliers Bass Ensemble
1992 Star of Indiana - Yearbook Clip

1993 Star of Indiana Yearbook Clip
1993 Cadets Part2
1993 Cadets Part1
1993 Santa Clara Vanguard Part 2
1993 Santa Clara Vanguard
1993 Star of Indiana
PASIC 1993 Snare Duet Jeff Queen & Greg Seale
1993 DCI Tenor Solo-1st-Derek Beaumont
1993 DCI Snare Solo-1st-Jason Parent

1994 Cadets Rehearsal July 27th
1994 Cadets Finals Warm-up Part 3
1994 Cadets Finals Warm-up Part 2
1994 Cadets Finals Warm-up Part 1
1994 Phantom Regiment
1994 Crossmen
1994 Blue Knights Finals
1994 Blue Devils
1994 Star of Indiana - PBS Excerpt
1994 Jon Weber Pasic Solo - OSU Day of percussion
1994 Phantom Regiment - Drum Solo rehearsal
1994 Blue Knights - Warmup Fort Wayne IN

1995 Cavaliers Victory Arc Part 2
1995 Cavaliers Victory Arc Part 1
1995 Cavaliers Rehearsal Part 4
1995 Cavaliers Rehearsal Part 3
1995 Cavaliers Rehearsal Part 2
1995 Cavaliers Rehearsal Part 1
1995 Cadets Rehearsal
1995 Colts Warm-up
1995 PASIC Snare Solo - Aaron Guidry
1995 PASIC Snare Solo Tyler Dempsey
1995 PASIC Quad Solo - Ryan Brunton
1995 PASIC Quad Solo 3
1995 PASIC Snare Solo - Jeff Queen
1995 PASIC Quad Solo - Bill Bachman
1995 PASIC Quad Solo 1
1995 UNT PASIC Warmup Part 2
1995 UNT PASIC Warmup
1995 Cavaliers rehearsal - Ft Wayne part 2
1995 Cavaliers rehearsal - Ft Wayne part 1
1995 DCI Madison Scouts Bass Ensemble

1996 Cavaliers TBA Clinic
1996 Madison Scouts BOA Clinic Normal Indiana
1996 Madison Scouts Front Ensemble - Rhapsody in Blue
1996 Cavaliers - LaPort IN
1996 Madison Scouts - Cadence
1996 PASIC - UNT - 1st Place
1996 PASIC - Hip Pickles - Moms Apple Paiste
1996 PASIC - Hip Pickles - Drums of Humanity

1997 Phantom Regiment - Dress Rehearsal
1997 Colts - Rehearsal Drum Solo Laporte IN
1997 Cadets - Rehearsal LaPorte IN Part 2
1997 Cadets - Rehearsal LaPorte IN Part 1
PASIC 1997 Snare Solo-1st-Naoki Ishikawa
PASIC 1997 Snare Solo-2nd-Ryan Sirna

1998 Glassmen Dayton Ohio
1998 Glassmen Warm-up - Tulsa
1998 Blue Devils Clinic - Tulsa Part2
1998 Blue Devils Clinic - Tulsa
1998 Cadets Rehearsal Tulsa
1998 Cadets Snareline Tulsa
1998 Phantom Regiment Dayton Ohio
1998 Phantom Regiment - Early Season Dress Rehearsal
1998 DCM Snare Solo - Cavalier
1998 DCM Snare Solo - Bill Nicholson
1998 DCM Bass Ensemble - Pioneer

1999 Pioneer - Streetbeat Michigan City Parade
1999 DCI Snare Solo - 6th - Pat Fitzgibbon
1999 DCI Colts Cymbal Ensemble - 1st
1999 Cavaliers - Streetbeat Michigan City Parade
1999 Boston Crusaders - Streetbeat Michigan City Parade
1999 - SCV Snare Solo
1999 DCI Snare Solo-1st-Ercan Erhan
1999 Blue Devils Bass Ensemble - 1st
1999 Cadets Drum Solo
1999 Blue Devils - Semifinals

PASIC 2000 Tenor Solo-1st-Nick Werth
2000 Southwind - Rehearsal
2000 SCV - Finals Warmup
2000 Phantom Regiment Rehearsal Part 2
2000 Phantom Regiment Rehearsal Part 1
2000 Madison Scouts - Rehearsal LaPorte In Part 2
2000 Madison Scouts - Rehearsal LaPorte In Part 1
2000 Glassmen - DCM Finals
2000 DCM Tenor Solo - Madison
2000 DCM Tenor Solo - Cavalier
2000 DCM Snare Solo - Pioneer
2000 DCM Snare Solo - Phantom Regiment
2000 DCM Snare Solo - Mark Hunter
2000 DCM Snare Solo - Madison
2000 DCM Snare Solo - Jonathan Morrell
2000 Colts - Warm up
2000 Cavaliers DCM - Finals Part 2
2000 Cavaliers DCM - Finals Part 1
2000 Cavaliers - Rehearsal Michigan City
2000 Cavaliers - Finals Warmup
2000 Blue Knights - Finals Warmup
SCV 2000 Tulsa Part 4
SCV 2000 Tulsa Part 2
SCV 2000 Tulsa Part 3
SCV 2000 Tulsa Part 1
2000 Cadets Victory warmup - Tulsa
2000 Cadets Victory Arc - Tulsa
2000 DCI Snare Solo-1st-Pat Fitzgibbon

2001 Blue Knights - Semi-finals warmup
2001 Blue Devils - Semi-finals Warm-up
2001 SCV - Semi-finals Warmup Part 2
2001 SCV - Semi-finals Warmup Part 1.wmv
2001 SCV - Final Run Through Part 2
2001 SCV - Final Run Through Part 1
2001 Glassmen - Quaterfinals Warmup Part 2
2001 Glassmen - Quaterfinals Warmup Part 1
2001 Cavaliers - Quaterfinals Warmup Part 2
2001 Cavaliers - Quaterfinals Warmup Part 1
2001 Cadets - Quaterfinals Warmup Part 2
2001 Cadets - Quaterfinals Warmup Part 1
2001 SCV Cymbal Ensemble - 2nd
2001 SCV - Visual Rehearsal Semi-finals day
2001 Phantom Regiment Bass Ensmeble - 2nd.
2001 Mandarins Bass Ensemble - 5th
2001 Madison Scouts Bass Ensemble - 3rd
2001 Madison Scouts - Semi-finals warmup
2001 Colts Cymbal Ensemble - 3rd
2001 Colts - Semi-finals warmup
2001 Cavaliers - Semi-finals Warmup
2001 Carolina Crown Bass Ensemble - 4th
2001 Phantom Regiment - Indianapolis Warmup
2001 Phantom Regiment - Finals Warmup
2001 PASIC Street Beats
2001 PASIC Snare Solo - Jason Pena
2001 Southwind - Rehearsal Indianapolis
2001 Madarins - warmup
2001 Glassmen - Finals Warmup
2001 DCI Glassmen Run Through July 5th
2001 Cavaliers - Finals Warmup
2001 Carolina Crown - Quaterfinals Warmup
2001 Boston Crusaders - Quaterfinals warmup
2001 Blue Devils - Quater finals warmup Part 2
2001 Blue Devils - Quater finals warmup Part 1
2001 Blue Coats - Quaterfinals Warmup
2001 SCV Clinic Run-through
2001 SCV Rehearsal CAM - Up Close
2001 Snare Solo Dustin Schletzer - Dustins Camera
2001 PASIC MTSU - 1st Place
2001 PASIC Oklahoma State - 2nd
2001 PASIC University of Memphis - 2nd
2001 PASIC East Tennessee State - 4th
2001 PASIC Georgia Southern Univ - 5th
2001 PASIC Middle Georgia College

PASIC 2002 Snare Solo-2nd-Mark Reilly
PASIC 2002 Snare Solo-1st-David Reyes
2002 - Cadets lot Footage
2002 Blue Devils Bass Ensemble - 2nd
2002 Blue Knights Bass Ensemble - 4th
2002 Capitol Sound Bass Ensemble - 7th
2002 Carolina Crown Bass Ensemble - 1st
2002 Carolina Crown Cymbal Ensemble - 3rd
2002 Colts Cymbal Ensemble - 2nd
2002 Lake Erie Regiment Bass Ensmeble
2002 Madison Scouts Bass Ensemble - 3rd.
2002 Multi-Percussion Solo Justin Truitt
2002 Phantom Regiment Bass Ensemble - 6th.
2002 SCV Bass Ensemble - 5th
2002 SCV Cymbal Ensemble - 1st
2002 Snare Solo Craig Paul - 11th
2002 Snare Solo Eric Oreto - 6th
2002 Snare Solo Jen Burns - 11th
2002 Snare Solo Max Mullinix - 4th
2002 Snare Solo Mike Magnioli - 16th
2002 Snare Solo Nate Moddison - 18th
2002 Snare Solo Pat Fitz-Gibbons - 1st.
2002 Snare Solo Walter Turner - 8th
2002 Tenor Solo Brian Perez - 7th
2002 Tenor Solo Masaichi Imagawa - 8th.
2002 Tenor Solo Miguel Guaclerruma - 6th.
2002 Tenor Solo Naoki Imagawa - 4th
2002 Tenor Solo Nick Werth - 3rd
2002 Tenor Solo Omar Carmanates - 2nd
2002 Tenor Solo Paul Hanson - 11th
2002 Tenor Solo Scott Simon - 1st
2002 Tenor Solo Scott Simon - 2nd angle
2002 Tenor Solo Tony Numze - 10th

2003 DCI Snare Solo-1st-Joe Hobbs

2004 PASIC University of Memphis
2004 PASIC Georgia Southern - 8th
2004 PASIC Michigan State University - 2nd
2004 PASIC Texas State Univ. - 4th
2004 PASIC Oklahoma State - 5th
2004 PASIC MTSU - 1st
2004 PASIC Jacksonville State - 3rd
2004 PASIC East Tennessee State - 7th

2005 Madison Scouts Rehearsal - Houston Part 5
2005 Madison Scouts Rehearsal - Houston Part 4
2005 Madison Scouts Rehearsal - Houston Part 3
2005 Madison Scouts Rehearsal - Houston Part 2
2005 Madison Scouts Rehearsal - Houston Part 1
2005 - Blue Devils Lot

2006 Cavaliers Houston Part 1
2006 Cavaliers Houston Part 2
2006 Cavaliers Houston Part 3
2006 SCV - Houston
2006 Spirit of JSU
2006 PASIC Texas Christian - 1st
2006 PASIC Univ of Texas Austin - 2nd
2006 PASIC Texas State University - 3rd
2006 PASIC Univ of Northen Alabama

Ken Mazur - Backstick
Ken Mazur - Stick tricks
Ken Mazur - Under the arm Stick Trick
[quote author=erath link=topic=1819.msg8965#msg8965 date=1182974136]
I have some stuff on video from that year, but darn it if I'm just not smart enough to figure out how to transfer it from VHS to computer to Youtube...

Me too.  I have a bunch of stuff I guess I could just send to RGreen to do the uploading maybe if he is even interested in more stuff...
Can never have too much
I just uploaded about 3-4 more hours of stuff. :) I just updated the list. . .
2 hours from 2000 are up now. I updated the list
Very nice collection! You wouldn't happen to know where I could find some '99 Carolina Crown? ;-)
If it was in my collection. . . It's on Youtube now. I'm done. . . (for a small time at least) I should be getting some more vids from a couple of friends.
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