Setting up VD 2 for Finale 07

I am having a hard time getting VD 2 to work with finale 07. Does anyone have a really straight forward doc for setup? The VD 2 Quick start doc is not really working for me. Any help would be great.

The setup is going to depend on whether you are on Macintosh or Windows?

When you say it is not working well, what do you mean?�� Is it shpwing up in the Native Instruments Setup window?�� Is it not playing back very well?  If you can give us as much information as possible about your system (like what most of us have under our names) this would be very helpful.
Hello Coach,

Thanks for chimen in.

Here is the break down of my system.

Dell Optiplex Desktop
3.19 GHz
2 Gigs ram
Running Windows XP SP 2
Running Finale 2007

I know my message was vegue. Sorry about that.
This is what have going on.
The Midi between my keyboard and VD 2 is working. When I hit any keys on my keyboard it shows the keys on VD 2. So I am thinking the Midi between the two are working. I have also loaded the VD Library in VD 2.I have down loaded the Template for finale from TS.
What I am not getting is any sounds. I am sure it has something to do with the midi channels or something like that. I do not have a clear understanding how this works. And I think this might be the problem.

Any help would be wonderful.

Thanks for your time.

You will want to check and make sure that MIDI THRU and PLAY FINALE THROUGH NATIVE INSTRUMENTS VST are checked in the MIDI MENU.  You will also want to make sure that, when you click on MIDI THRU, ";Smart"; is chosen.  Can you check that for us?
Yes to all your questions. They are all set in the way you are asking.

Go to MIDI -->MIDI SETUP  and tell me what your Output Device is.  Does this say NONE?  When you go to the player and use your mouse to click on the notes are you getting any sounds when clicking on those keys in the player?  I.E. -is it ony when you press PLAY in Finale that you are not getting sounds?

Also wh en you go to the Instrument List which is at WINDOW MENU -->INSTRUMENT LIST what are the channels that you have?  And just to verify, w hen you go to Native Instruments VST Setup you should see Virtual Drumline 2 chosen there in the dropdown.  What instruments do you have loaded and for what channel range is this in the Setup window?

If you want to, you can also send me the file and I will take a look as well.
Hi Coach,

I have to step away out of town for a few days. When I get back I will let you know. With any luck we can get this working soon.

Thanks for the help.

I will chime in, in a few days.

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