De-activation removed.

Hey Guys,

I just upgraded to V.D. 2.5 and decided to buy a new laptop that can have up to 4 gigs of RAM. I already installed V.D. 2.5 on my other computer and I want to de-activate it, but Native instruments has listed on their site that

";Note: The de-activation option has been removed from this page due to optimizations in our activation system which make this option unnecessary for the time being. Please note that still a maximum of two parallel installations is allowed. Please refer to the terms of use for further details.";

How can I de-activate it if they removed the right too?

Thanks for any help,
1 Comment

They are in the process of developing a new authorization system that should eventually be simpler than the one they had. Their servers are still logging your System IDs, however you won't have access to those now. So my advice would be to install it on your new machine, attempt activation with Service Center, then if it gives you any problems, call their tech support line and explain the situation. There are a still a few details to this new method that aren't quite clear yet, so you may have to work directly with NI on that.
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