From what I have read on the forum and what I experienced with some tests, I understand that the best way to get FINALE (2008) to play the diddles articulations is by using the TG Tool Smart playback. But then, FINALE won't be able to play the hairpins (cresc/decresc) with the use of velocity. I know that you can program each crescendo/decresc with the MIDI tool but it can be a long process.
So my question is: does anyone have found a way to use the TG Tool Smart playback without losing the hability to play the hairpins (with velocity)?If not, I guess the only solution is to write 32nd notes for the diddles and then use Human playback to play the hairpins.
Thierry Pilote
Imac Intel Core 2 Duo OSX 10.4.1 2,16 GHz, 3G Ram Finale 2008 VDL 2.5
I'm not sure if this will be the answer or not since I haven't used TGTools smart playback before, but there is a setting in the Human Playback Preferences dialog under ";Dynamics & Volume"; where you can force Finale to use key velocities to play back volume changes, rather than continuous controller messages. The HP Preferences can be accessed via a button in the playback window. Playback window-->HP Preferences...-->Dynamics & Volume-->Crescendo/Diminuendo Type menu-->Key Velocities Only.
Legacy Forum Post
about 17 years ago
Thank you Murray,
The problem is that when you use the Human playback + TG tool Smart playback, the diddles now sound very bad. There is a way I can use the Custom set-up of Human playback to play the [u]diddles and the harpins well [/u]but then, it is the [u]flams that won't playback the way they should[/u] (grace note setting 32). I have tried to arrange the grace note setting but it does'nt work. I did try a lot of combinations but I did not find one that can play the diddles, the flams and the hairpins altogether. So that's why I am beginning to think if I want to use the hairpins for the cresc/decresc while playing the diddles, I will have to enter 32nd notes for the diddles. Maybe someone can confirm me that there is no way to solve that problem so I will make up my mind and enter these 32nd notes ?
Thierry Pilote
Imac Intel Core 2 Duo OSX 10.4.1 2,16 GHz, 3G Ram Finale 2008 VDL 2.5
Legacy Forum Post
about 17 years ago
FWIW I have several friends who just go the ";write all of the diddles out"; as 32nd or 24th notes in Finale to avoid noodling with this issue. They just make an editing pass before sending the scores off or maintain separate hidden staves for output.
Legacy Forum Post
about 17 years ago
That's fine with me then. I will be a member of this club of ";write all of the diddles out";! I think it will be easier and faster this way than programming all the cresc/decres.
Thanks Justin for the answer.
Imac Intel Core 2 Duo OSX 10.4.1 2,16 GHz, 3G Ram Finale 2008 VDL 2.5
Legacy Forum Post
about 17 years ago
You can always just buy Sibelius. :)
The problems you're having are not a VDL2 issue but a Finale issue. They have their own tech support and forums that can show you what to do.
Legacy Forum Post
about 17 years ago
Writing out of the diddles would be a better solution for playback anyway I would believe as Human Playback would be more successful at performing what it needs when it has notes to do so not ";Imaginary notes"; or hidden notes.�� Human Playback, in my opinion, has never been good at performing rudimental rolls, but keeps getting better and better at performing things like hairpins, etc.��
Have you tried the APPLY HUMAN PLAYBACK plugin in the PlugIns Menu?�� You should then be able to apply this to specific staves rather than the whole piece at the same time.�� You could then run the TG TOOLS plugin for your Percussion Staves and then the APPLY HUMAN PLAYBACK plugin on the other staves.�� That might be something to try.�� If this doesn't bode well for you, you may want to contact Finale Support as there may be another issue with Human Playback that they can check into.
Legacy Forum Post
about 17 years ago
Thanks you fo your cue Coach,
I tried your suggestion and it seems that it is the best solution for now. That means I only need to program a few hairpin with the MIDI tool (the ones that contain a phrase with diddles-flams) instead of the whole piece. I had tried the APPLY HUMAN PLAYBACK plugin before but I did not think about applying it to selected staves only.
I understand that this is a Finale issue but I figured that someone using VDL2.5 would have run into that problem before me and found a way to solve it. I am gonna ask Finale tech support and come back if they have a solution.
Thanks again ,
Legacy Forum Post
about 17 years ago
No Problem.�� Let us know how this works for you and if you need any further assistance.
Legacy Forum Post
So my question is: does anyone have found a way to use the TG Tool Smart playback without losing the hability to play the hairpins (with velocity)?If not, I guess the only solution is to write 32nd notes for the diddles and then use Human playback to play the hairpins.
Thierry Pilote
Imac Intel Core 2 Duo
OSX 10.4.1
2,16 GHz, 3G Ram
Finale 2008
VDL 2.5