Sibelius 6 and VDL 2.5

I'm trying to get Sibelius 6 to let me use VDL 2.5.1 but I just can't seem to get it to work. Kontakt player 2 will not show up on the playback devices set up. I've read the README file but that didn't help me. Some please help. Seems like Sibelius 4 was easier to set up for me.
I am using Sibelius 5 with VDL 2.5.2, Windows XP, and am having a very similar problem.  Like Chris, KP2 does not show up in the left column under playback devices.  I have placed the ";kontaktplayer2.dll"; file in the Sibelius VST Plugins folder and made sure that the playback devices was linked to that folder.  Still I have nothing showing up to activate in playback devices.


Thanks a bunch!
Outstanding! Glad we were able to get things sorted out. Enjoy bizness time!
And now I can't see my screen from the tears of joy... :)

[b]Thank you[/b] Dr. Casella for your magical powers of applied science.  The world is a better place once again. 

[i]It's bizness time...[/i]
Oh, I see. I think I misunderstood you after reading this:

[quote author=ChrisMartin link=topic=3243.msg17189#msg17189 date=1249413887]
Available on the left, Active on the right, KontaktPlayer2.dll in Sibelius Software VSTPlugins folder.

Don't even bother with the Mixer until we can get KP2 to appear within the Playback Devices window. Couple things to check:

1) Verify that KontaktPlayer2.dll is located here:  [color=red][i][size=8pt]C:\Program Files\Sibelius Software\VSTPlugins[/size][/i][/color]

2) Open your ";Playback Devices"; window in Sibelius, click the ";Audio Engine Options"; button, and verify that this is the same path to your ";Virtual Instruments and Effects Folder."; If that doesn't match the path to your Sibelius Software>VSTPlugins folder, click the ";Browse"; button to redirect it to that location. After doing this, quit Sibelius, then relaunch, go into Playback Devices, and check to see if KP2 appears as an available device.

Let us know if that leads to anything. We'll get it figured out. Hang in there.
There is nothing on the left or right hand side that says ";Kontakt Player 2.";  As I said previously, the left ";Available"; side only has ";Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth"; listed as well as my nanokey.  The right ";Active"; side shows Sibelius Player with the Essentials Sound Set.  Kontakt Player 2 is nowhere to be found and thus cannot be highlighted or activated, even when I try to create a ";New"; playback configuration and name it accordingly like ";My VDL"; or ";VDL Config.";

It also does not show up in the mixer when I open files.  The only player that is listed is Sibelius Player.  Clicking on the other tabs (Manual Sound Sets, Preferred Sound Sets, Effects) in Playback Configuration does not show Kontakt either, only Sibelius Player.

I've watched the tutorials, especially the one for Playback Configuration, and repeated the steps but can't seem to figure out what I'm doing incorrectly.  I've reinstalled VDL twice now and made sure to pay attention to the plug-in preferences during the setup.  Is there an additional box to check or un-check for the VST installation?

I really appreciate your help with this, very sorry for the hassle.  Waiting for my eureka moment...
Ah. Sounds like you're just misunderstanding then. Kontakt Player [i]is[/i] available.

You have complete control over which devices (and how many of them) are active. Simply click on KP2 (from the LH column so it's highlighted), then click the ";activate"; button to activate an instance of it (which brings it over to the RH column). Each instance of KP2 can run 16 sounds, so sometimes (depending on the needs of your score), you may want to activate 2 or more instances. Once you've activated however many instances of KP2 you prefer, simply save the configuration and name it something of your choosing (i.e. ";VDL Configuration";).

As a refresher, [url=]tutorial #3 at this page[/url] discusses a lot about setting up playback configurations. It's a 5.2.5 video, but the same general principals apply.
Available on the left, Active on the right, KontaktPlayer2.dll in Sibelius Software VSTPlugins folder.  No Kontakt Player recognized.  Perhaps it's time for me to go back to my log cabin and make a call with my rotary phone...?

[quote author=ChrisMartin link=topic=3243.msg17187#msg17187 date=1249399106]
I watched all of the tutorials, reinstalled VDL (using the steps listed for installation under windows with quick setup for sibelius 5 plug-in that came with my VDL dvd) and attempted to create a custom playback configuration.  The only available device listed after clicking ";New"; and renaming was Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth.  No Kontakt Player 2 listed.  Not sure if this is a Sibelius 6 or VDL issue...?

Chris - just to make sure we're communicating clearly let's take a step back. (Thanks for being patient)

[b]In your Playback Devices window, there's three main areas:

1) Playback Configuration menu
2) AVAILABLE Devices (left-hand column)
3) ACTIVE Devices (right-hand column)[/b]

When you open your Playback Devices window, before you click on anything, look in the AVAILABLE devices area (the big area toward the left-hand side of the window). Do you see Kontakt Player 2 listed there? If not, the first thing you'll need to do is quit Sibelius, then get the [b]KontaktPlayer2.dll[/b] file into the Sibelius [i]VST Plugins[/i] folder. Once that's there, KP2 will be recognized as a plugin within Sibelius.
I watched all of the tutorials, reinstalled VDL (using the steps listed for installation under windows with quick setup for sibelius 5 plug-in that came with my VDL dvd) and attempted to create a custom playback configuration.  The only available device listed after clicking ";New"; and renaming was Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth.  No Kontakt Player 2 listed.  Not sure if this is a Sibelius 6 or VDL issue...?
To all Sibelius 6 Template users

Tutorial videos for Template 6.0 are in the works. We'll let everyone know when they are available.

Chris and John

It sounds to me like you haven't created your own custom Playback Configuration yet. In the first attached jpg you'll see the configuration name of ";Sibelius Sounds";. The only modification to this configuration that Sibelius will allow you to make is to change the sound set. Sibelius Player uses sound sets that have a different version number than the KP2 sound sets, so you may only see a couple of choices with this device; none of the ones you see at this point will help you access VDL. (TMI? :))

What you need to do is make your configuration look similar to the secend attached jpg. To get there, click on ";New...";, type your configuration name, click OK. Click on the now selectable KontaktPlayer2 available device and click ";Activate >>";. Then select ";VDL SoundSet 6.0"; from the sound set drop-down menu. Click ";Save"; and ";Close"; the Playback Devices dialog box. (If you need more instances of KP2, activate and assign sound sets to them all before saving and closing.)

Once that is done, open a copy of the Template and add the instruments you want, and then hit Play. Those patches should now be loaded accordingly.

Another way to test your setup is to use the TriggerTest files. For a video tutorial of this (#9), as well as several others, go here (these videos are for Sib 5, but the Sib 6 process is virtually identical):



[quote author=ChrisMartin link=topic=3243.msg17178#msg17178 date=1249349780]
I'm also having the same problems with Sibelius 6 recognizing KP2 in the playback devices list.  I copied the VST plugins files from KP2 as recommended in the previous message but still cannot get more than the very limited basic package of virtual drumline sounds that comes with 6.  I have Kontakt Player open before starting Sibelius 6 but the only device it shows is Sibelius Player with no access to the VDL Soundset for 6.0...

argh... help...

Chris - You don't need to launch Kontakt Player in standalone mode prior to launching Sibelius. Sounds like you're a little confused here. Instead, what you'll do is use Kontakt Player [u][i]within[/i][/u] Sibelius, hosted as a plugin. So when you installed VDL, if you elected to install Kontakt Player as a plugin (it gives you a variety of plugin formats), this will determine whether or not you see KP2 as an ";available device"; when viewing the items in Sibelius's Playback Devices window. If you're not seeing KP2 as an available device here, re-read the previous post by chznvrt. Depending on what platform you're running (mac or pc) this process may vary. Some details about your situation will help expedite a solution.
Thanks Hugh, That fixed the problem with loading KP2. Now I also have the same problem as Chris. I can't seem to use the The Manual Snare, Tenor, and Bassline templets. I have to use the Auto RL and even with that I can't use alot of sounds (The biggest one is NO Basline Unisons, left and right hand). Plus I need to find out how to switch to a 5 man bassline.

Thanks for the help before. At least know I can start writing somewhat normally.
I'm also having the same problems with Sibelius 6 recognizing KP2 in the playback devices list.  I copied the VST plugins files from KP2 as recommended in the previous message but still cannot get more than the very limited basic package of virtual drumline sounds that comes with 6.  I have Kontakt Player open before starting Sibelius 6 but the only device it shows is Sibelius Player with no access to the VDL Soundset for 6.0...

argh... help...
The Readme does not cover this part of your setup.

If VDL 2.5.1 is in fact installed correctly and still not showing up in Sibelius, usually the first thing to check is whether or not you do indeed have the KontaktPlayer2 VST files copied over into the appropriate Sibelius folder on your hard drive. The folder on my system looks like the attached picture.

You can find the VST files you need to copy over in your Native Instruments installation directory (Kontakt Player 2\VSTPlugins). And if you had Sibelius running when you copied, you'll need to restart Sibelius to see KP2 in your available devices.

Let us know if that's not the solution.
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