MIDI Input

If a thread on this topic currently exists, please point me in the right direction.

I have been using an M-Audio Keystation 49E to input music, but memorizing the keymaps for various instruments is taking quite a bit of time. Does anyone have suggestions to help increase the efficiency of this process? Labels, a different MIDI input device, tricks, tips?

Thanks, teammates!
I felt the same way and never learned the keyboard mapping in the first place.

Here's what I use: https://www.tapspace.com/forums/index.php?topic=3823.0
I remember reading about this.

I use Mountain Lion and Sib. 7, so I don't think this will fly. If it could work for a mac, I would gladly pay. Using the MIDI keyboard to enter percussion music is super unintuitive. Why an interactive pad hasn't been developed is beyond me.
I suspect there's nothing developed because there isn't a lot of demand. The CH MFD solution already costs about $250 for effective use, and that's for a device that is customizable and has lots of other uses available. For something that is VDL-specific, costs would have to be even higher to make it profitable for a developer.

Perhaps there is something for an iPad that would increase intuitive use.
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