setting Up VDL 2.5.5 with Sibelius 7.5 with Kontakt 5

I have Sibelius 6 and VDL 2.5.5 and Kontakt 5 setup perfectly on a 2 year old MacBook Pro.  I upgraded to Sibelius 7.5.  I have spent 3+ hours trying to figure out how to set up all of this up with VDL.  Playback Devices shows Kontakt 5 but you can't select it.  I know there is an issue between 32 and 64 bit.  I can't figure out what I have.  Yes, I followed the directions on youtube, forums, etc.  Everything I try leads me to a step that doesn't exist.  What am I doing wrong?  I know there are probably directions somewhere but I have spent way to much time following links and forums that lead me to a roadblock.

Here are specifics. I need to set VDL 2.5.5 with Sibelius 7.5 on a 2 year old MacBook Pro running 10.10.3.  I have Kontakt 5. 

PLEASE HELP....totally lost here.   
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